Objectify your sensations

As a rider, it is interesting to be able to put meaningful figures on sensations. It allows to establish links between what we feel and what actually happens under the saddle. However, the rider’s perception is not always a reflection of reality. With the iSPORT technologies, it is now easier to put numbers on your sensations.

It is nowadays possible to objectify your sensations thanks to precise and concrete data given by the iJUMP INSIDE option! Equipped with this device, your Dynamick® saddle helps you associate perception and sensations to improve your riding progress.



Difference between perception and reality, where does it come from?

The feelings you have while riding is based on proprioception. This corresponds to the perception you have of the different parts of your body – consciously or not ­–, and their position in space.


Thus, there are very often variations between your feeling (what you perceive) and reality. In riding, these differences are mostly found at the level of rein tension, aids use, or the feeling of speed from the horse. All riders are concerned – to a greater or lesser extent – by this difference between perception and reality, depending on the development of their motor capacities.


Luckily, the iJUMP INSIDE technology is here to help!

By calculating many relevant parameters, such as speed or regularity, the iJUMP technology allows you to objectify your sensations.


“Is my speed 350 m/min in competition?” “When my horse increases its speed, does its regularity remains the same?” The iJUMP INSIDE option, by giving you your speed in real time, offers you the possibility to associate your sensations at a given moment with concrete data. If your speed really was 350 m/min, it will be easier for you to remember the feeling you had on your horse at that specific moment. Therefore, the next time you train, you will find it easier to regain the right rhythm by relying on your perception.


Here is an exercise for you to understand how to objectify your sensations:

With this exercise, you will train on how to find the right canter rhythm for competition. Performed in fractional sessions, it also allows you to improve your horse’s physical condition.



The data given in real-time by the iJUMP INSIDE option and the iSPORT application enables you to refine your perception. By comparing it with your horse’s real-time speed, you can thus objectify your sensations more precisely.